Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

In this post I will show how to install CloundFoundry on Windows and VirtualBox using Vagrant and bosh-lite.


  1. After you've installed Vagrant and VirtualBox you start by cloning

    git clone

  2. Now go into your bosh-lite directory and start Vagrant

    vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

  3. Since the bosh-cli doesn't run on Windows we will manage the bosh-lite instance inside the created vm. For that we login into the vm via ssh

    vagrant ssh

  4. Now we need to download a bosh stemcell with the bosh cli tool

    bosh download public stemcell bosh-stemcell-389-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz

  5. After it finished you need to upload the stemcell to your bosh instance

    bosh upload stemcell bosh-stemcell-389-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz

  6. Now we need to clone the CloudFoundry repository. Before we can do this we need to install git

    sudo apt-get install git

  7. Clone the CloudFoundry repository

    git clone

  8. We will use the 1.93 release of CloudFoundry.

    git checkout tags/v193
    ./update to fetch all references

  9. Upload the release to bosh

    bosh upload release releases/cf-193.yml

  10. To use the tool spiff for creating the bosh manifest file we need to install go

    tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.4.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
    export GO_PATH=$HOME/go
    mkdir $HOME/go

  11. Install spiff

    go get -v

  12. Build manifest

    Execute inside your bosh-lite folder sudo ./bin/make_manifest_spiff

  13. Choose the deployment

    bosh deployment manifests/cf-manifest.yml

  14. Start deployment of CloudFoundry inside bosh

    bosh deploy

  15. Install the CloudFoundry CLI for Windows on your Windows machine and access your installed CloudFoundry instance

6 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. hi
    go get -v gives an error
    ../../go/src/ cannot use AnnotatedNode literal (type AnnotatedNode) as type Node in return argument:
    AnnotatedNode does not implement Node (wrong type for MarshalYAML method)
    have MarshalYAML() (string, interface {})
    want MarshalYAML() (string, interface {}, error)
    ../../go/src/ cannot use AnnotatedNode literal (type AnnotatedNode) as type Node in return argument:
    AnnotatedNode does not implement Node (wrong type for MarshalYAML method)
    have MarshalYAML() (string, interface {})
    want MarshalYAML() (string, interface {}, error)
    ../../go/src/ cannot use AnnotatedNode literal (type AnnotatedNode) as type Node in return argument:
    AnnotatedNode does not implement Node (wrong type for MarshalYAML method)
    have MarshalYAML() (string, interface {})
    want MarshalYAML() (string, interface {}, error)
    ../../go/src/ cannot use AnnotatedNode literal (type AnnotatedNode) as type Node in return argument:
    AnnotatedNode does not implement Node (wrong type for MarshalYAML method)
    have MarshalYAML() (string, interface {})
    want MarshalYAML() (string, interface {}, error)

  3. Hi,

    fortunately the spiff binaries have been made available at
    so there is no need to install golang and compile spiff.


  4. very useful blog to learner so happy to be part in this blog. Thank you
    Pivotal cloud Foundry Course
